Monday, June 23, 2008

yohoo... MST week lo.. hopefully the first paper was alright for all of you girls and guys..

MST Schedule Updates.

24 June at 8.30am
CPRAC2 test at T4A55.
(tests from review 1,2 and those covered by Ms Lek in class)
FORMAT: Fill in the Blanks.

25 June at 8.30am
Environmental Optometry at T1A47.
(tests from lecture 1 to 5) [if not wrong]
FORMAT: 4 QNS choose 3.

26 June at 10.30am
CLCPRAC2 test at T624.
(tests CLs knowledge including complications and clinical wise; troubleshooting)
FORMAT: 35 MCQs in 45mins.

All the best~~!! (=

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