Monday, January 28, 2008

Lab coats!

If u guys hadn't receive the msg from our cls rep: here's how it goes:

LAST warning from loanshark!

collect lab coat at 11.30am at SPOC.
pls turn up and for those who hav not paid me, (u shld know who u are), pls bring $36.
An additional $1 for those who hav paid me, cos it was $35 u paid previously.
thanks for ur cooperation.
i know i haven't been a very dutiful vice treasurer. :(

for my own info, can somone tell me what does a ramp in ur com do?
i can't sign in to messenger or hotmail. (sry, my clique members. XD)
so pls reach me by my phone. thanks:)
won't be online temp. =X

1 comment:

Hui Ling W said...

"RAM is the place where things from processor goes to before it goes to the hard disk. normally it's all used up. things (programmes etc) that are not usually used will go to HDD. likewise, HDD -> RAM -> processor."

from ling's bro da professor.